About us

The delicate balance of our planet’s climate is at grave risk.

EarthXCG is meeting the challenge by innovating and serving the community that makes up the carbon markets.

Guided by science, data, and technical expertise, we enable carbon markets with tools to ensure impact. The climate challenge we face is global and existential, so we ground our work in understanding what is necessary to succeed at scale.


Our team is comprised of fraud detection experts, auditors, digital risk experts, carbon removal scientists, data scientists, engineers, and businesspeople who have built and operated technology companies and projects at scale globally. Our team has held senior leadership positions at Microsoft, Carbon Trust, Proton, Square, Deloitte, McKinsey, Axpo, JP Morgan, BlackRock, HSBC, and Barclays.


We founded the company in 2022 to fix the biggest problem in carbon markets, carbon credit integrity.

Carbon dioxide removal projects are funded by having their removal results sold as carbon credits. Given the massive gigaton level of the problem, these projects require immense levels of funding. For buyers to have confidence in carbon credits they must trust the claims of project developers about the results of their removal efforts. We enable project developers with tools to simplify their work and to be able to prove the actual results of their efforts. Our aim is to bring trust to the carbon markets by eliminating overestimation, misrepresentation, and fraud.  

Business Model

Our model is simple with two components. We provide a platform for project developers that includes continuous verification as a SaaS service. Additionally, we provide fee-based asset management services for the carbon credits produced by the projects.


How is EarthXCG different from other dMRV providers?

The key difference is the verification analytics. EarthXCG does not simply collect project data, or provide reporting and inventories of carbon credits. Our platform performs fraud detection, advanced science-based verification analytics on an ongoing basis as a service, and surety analysis. Additionally, the EarthXCG platform is designed to handle the complexity of CO2 removal project management and institutional grade carbon credit asset management.

What methodologies does EarthXCG work with?

EarthXCG is methodology agnostic, meaning we can customize the dMRV process to any methodology and model any project in our platform.

Is EarthXCG a VVB?

VVB is a legacy term that no longer fits with the evolution of the carbon removal industry and the reason is scale. VVB stands for Validation and Verification Body. Validation and verification, however, are not the same thing; validation happens at the beginning of a project (“what does the label on the can say”) and verification is ongoing (“do the contents of the can match the label”). When the industry was nascent an expert validator would validate that a project plan “should” result in an estimated amount of carbon dioxide removal. Depending on the standard, the same validator might be required to go back in a year or several years later and verify that what was estimated was actually happening to some degree. The initial expert-led validation of project plans remains an essential part of the project development process. However, the ongoing verification must be continuous and happen at a global gigaton scale across hundreds of thousands of projects which is why it cannot be done by humans. Verification must be automated and intelligent. EarthXCG’s science-based data analytics SaaS platform delivers ongoing verification at scale for the life of a project.

Does EarthXCG have a pilot program for project developers in conjunction with Microsoft’s Environmental Credit Service?

Yes, the pilot program from EarthXCG and Microsoft is now live. There are several carbon removal projects already participating and we are welcoming additional projects. Technically, the pilot combines the data infrastructure of Microsoft’s Environmental Credit Service with the project management, dMRV, and asset management services of EarthXCG.

How does EarthXCG work with registries?

Working with registries requires our team’s understanding of a registry’s certification methodologies and their requirements for accessing a project’s data and verification analysis for confirming compliance with their standards.

Can our project select any registry and use EarthXCG?

Yes, EarthXCG is registry agnostic, meaning we can customize the dMRV process to any registry’s standard and create the necessary secure data interfaces to that registry.

Who certifies the carbon credits?

The registry selected by the project developer will certify that the data and analytics from EarthXCG support the removal claims of the carbon project. This results in the carbon project’s credits being certified by the registry.

Who sells the carbon credits?

It is entirely the decision of the project developer. EarthXCG can pass the project data and analysis information to a registry who can issue and sell the credits directly or via a broker, or EarthXCG can create the credits and send them to a market or broker who can sell them, or EarthXCG can support a private sale. EarthXCG’s asset management services support all scenarios.

Is EarthXCG’s platform ready for commercial deployment?

We are currently deploying for pilot projects on several continents. We continue to develop our platform to make it commercially ready at scale, this takes time and resources. Our pilot projects will continue to develop in the coming year, and we expect to have the platform broadly available for commercial deployment following the pilot projects.

Is EarthXCG hiring?

Always, if you are top of your field, passionate about excellence, and motivated to mitigate the effects of climate change, please send us a note and let us know how you would like to contribute. Everyone is welcome.

Is EarthXCG open to external investment?

Come speak with us, we’re exploring scaling opportunities.

Is EarthXCG working with partners?

Yes. Our business concept is predicated on collaboration. Industry associations, registries, science partners, data partners, application partners, validators, consultants, brokers, markets, etc. Our platform is for the industry to use, and we welcome all types of collaboration.

The Operating System for Carbon Markets
EarthXCG LinkedIn company profile
© 2024 EarthXCG. Founded in 2022, offices in Zurich and New York (coming soon)