EarthXCG – Microsoft Pilot Program

We have launched a pilot program together with Microsoft’s Environmental Credit Service to give early adopters access to a first of a kind service that links CDR project management with advanced dMRV and carbon credit issuances. Your waitlist registration information will be reviewed to determine whether your project would be best served by the pilot program or the general availability release of the platform and we will inform you accordingly.

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Unlock the Potential of the Carbon Markets
A single platform for project management and institutional-grade verification.
Carbon credits are only as valuable as the truth behind them. Transparent and auditable data records linked to every individual credit. No guessing, no estimating.
Compliant with Standards and Principles

Applying the most current scientific methods, using data directly from project operations, and performing multi-layered advanced analytics, we prevent fraud, confirm actual net CO₂ removals, and assess overall project surety.

The resulting carbon credits, their records, and integrity are of the highest provable quality. An institutional grade platform for linking removals to markets, enabling trust on a global scale.

Carbon Market
Well-functioning carbon markets are our most powerful economic tool to combat climate change. Markets, however, depend on trust.

The forecasted trillion-dollar market for carbon credits will bring the necessary funding for CO₂ removal projects, but only when markets trust the removal claims underpinning the carbon credit assets.
The Platform
More than just data collection, reporting, and inventories of carbon credits. The EarthXCG platform is designed to handle the end-to-end complexity of turning a CDR project into investable carbon credits.
Project Central
Project management capabilities including industry tools for planning and evidence collection for LCA development, linking of project data sources, and a comprehensive dashboard for managing project activities with stakeholders.
Advanced digital measurement, reporting, and verification analytics that leverages digital twins, methodology-specific algorithms, and AI/ML.
Asset Management
High-integrity carbon credit minting from verified analytics records, custodial and transaction services.
Join Pilot Waitlist

EarthXCG – Microsoft Pilot Program


Project developers
Project planning tools for preparing the lifecycle analysis, integrated advanced dMRV, and carbon credit asset management services
Partners and project developers can connect, securely share data, and collaborate; including LCA validators, consultants, tool providers of sensors and meters, and data providers
Secure data connections to project data verification results to confirm compliance with standards for continuous removal certification
Markets & credit buyers
Access to digital records and inventory of institutional-grade carbon credits, and carbon credit custodial and transaction services


Project developers: one place to develop and manage your CDR projects from planning to carbon credit issuance

Partners: one place to collaborate on new project opportunities – validators, data services, measurement tools, etc.

Registries: complete visibility at scale into project data and verification analytics to support continuous issuances

Markets and credit buyers: one place to find institutional grade carbon credits, simplified compliance reporting and carbon accounting integration, and transaction and carbon credit asset management services

Our Partners and customers
“[The Microsoft] Environmental Credit Service and Microsoft Azure provide a common infrastructure and shared data standard allowing partners like EarthXCG to help greenhouse gas removal project developers manage the entire lifecycle of their project, claims and credits.  We are pleased to see how EarthXCG can help accelerate sustainability projects and contribute to a more sustainable future.”  -Shefy Manayil Kareem, GM, Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability
DAC Coalition
“The DAC Coalition brings together global innovators to mobilize society for Direct Air Capture. Our members are pushing the boundaries of technical innovation and are always on the lookout for best practices to help them scale. EarthXCG’s platform will help projects get started and simplify project engagement among stakeholders to bring high quality carbon credits to market. The industry needs more of this.” – Jason Hochman, Co-Founder and Executive Director at Direct Air Capture Coalition
Basic Dust
“Basic Dust is a developer of Enhanced Rock Weathering projects. Managing our projects means managing complexity. EarthXCG is the platform all project developers wish existed and now it’s becoming a reality. It will reduce our time to market, time to environmental impact, and time to commerical viability.” - Heather Langsner, CTO, Basic Dust
Bynamic Group
“Bynamic Group is a CDR project consultancy and broker of high-integrity carbon credits. We are excited to partner with EarthXCG to ensure that our carbon credit clients have access to credits with the highest levels of trust backed by extensive analytics and transparent data records. The team at EarthXCG is setting the standard of trust that buyers want.” – Tim Byrne, President, Bynamic Group
“AirMiners is a community and accelerator for entrepreneurs building solutions for carbon removal. We often hear that the industry needs an operating system for MRV and project management as everything is simply too complicated today. We’re looking forward to the impact that EarthXCG’s platform will have on accelerating the carbon removal industry.” – Jason Grillo, Co-Founder, AirMiners
Earth RepAIR
“Earth RepAIR is working with partners to develop projects removing CO2 from the air and storing it into minerals that can be used as a cement replacement. We are looking forward to progressing our partnership with EarthXCG as a single place to manage the carbon removal credits of our projects once operational.” - Earth RepAIR
“Carbon removal buyers need to know that the credits they are buying are real, additional, measurable, and verifiable. Consequently, high quality measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) is a crucial element in developing a robust global carbon removal ecosystem. EarthXCG is raising the bar on MRV by introducing a new benchmark for high-quality, independently verified carbon removal projects with total transparency and accountability. With the EarthXCG platform, credit buyers will have the highest standard available for guaranteed data provenance and complete visibility into all aspects of the projects that generated their credits. This is a very positive development for the entire Greenhouse Gas Removal industry!” - Mike Robinson Co-founder and Director,
The Operating System for Carbon Markets
EarthXCG LinkedIn company profile
© 2024 EarthXCG. Founded in 2022, offices in Zurich and New York (coming soon)